Court Rules and Safety

Players are responsible for providing their own pickleballs when they play. Be sure to write your name on your ball and take it with you when you leave the court.

Bags, chairs, and water bottles may be lined up inside the east fence. Labeling your gear is a good idea.

First serve will always take place on the south side (away from the pool).

All games to be played to 11, win by 2.

No singles during SPC designated times once courts are full.

Must be 18 unless accompanied by an adult.

Court Rotation Rules


Courts 1-2 & 7-9  will follow a "2 on 2 off" rotation.  Use the paddle wheel outside Court 1 to form a lineup. Incoming players have the choice of whether to split. Winners should stay on for no more than 3 consecutive matches. If there are more than 8 paddles up on this side, rotation changes to "4 on 4 off" but still goes in order of the paddle wheel.

Court 3 is the Challenge Court.  2 on 2 off, with winners staying together. Winners may stay on as long as they keep winning. Use the paddle rack outside of Court 3.

Court 7 is also our Teaching Court. Priority must be given to SPC and SRPD teaching pros giving lessons or clinics. Otherwise, it will be use as part of the general "2 on 2 off" rotation.


Courts 4-6, 10-12  will follow a "4 on 4 off" rotation at all times.  Use the paddle rack outside Court 10 to form a lineup – place four paddles at a time. You must have four people in your group before you can take the next open court.


Courts 9 & 10 are also designated as Public Courts. During club hours, non-members are restricted to these 2 courts.  Club members may not play with non-members on these courts during club hours and will vacate the courts promptly whenever non-members arrive to play.  If no members of the public are waiting, these two courts may be used by members as part of the general "2 on 2 off" or "4 on 4 off" rotation respective to that side. Please be aware that the club cannot require that the general public follow our rotational rules. 

SPC Code of Conduct

  • No member will engage in unsportsmanlike behavior.
  • No member will exhibit any behavior that endangers the health or safety of others.
  • The use of obscene language or gestures are not permitted.
  • Members will treat others fairly and with respect.
  • Members are expected to abide by all club rules, and as such the Board of Directors, at its discretion, may warn any member not abiding by these rules. Upon a member receiving a second warning for the same type of offense, the Board may remove that member. Members who are removed will lose their membership and will be refunded the pro rata portion of their pre-paid membership dues.

Safety Tips

  1. Don’t overplay your current physical condition. Age, experience, physical condition and athletic ability will impact the level of your game. Don't try to make plays beyond your abilities. Know your exercise limits and be sure to tell co-players what they are. If you have a history of heart problems, back pain, tennis elbow, breathing problems, etc. be sure you have any necessary equipment or medicines at hand.
  2. Hydrate. Drink before you are thirsty. Otherwise, it’s too late. 
  3. Stretch before and after playing.
  4. If a ball comes onto your court from another court, STOP PLAY AT ONCE and yell, "Ball on!"
  5. If you hit a ball into another court, immediately yell, “Ball on!”
  6. When returning a ball to your opponent for service, make eye contact and toss, roll, or gently hit the ball over. Do not whack the ball at someone, especially if their back is turned. If the ball is on the ground behind someone and they don't see it, alert them immediately.
  7. If you are crossing an active court to get onto a vacant court or to leave a court, wait until their current point is over. Ask them for permission to cross their court. 
  8. If a ball breaks, remove it from the court.
  9. If ANYTHING falls on the court, quickly remove it.
  10. Do not store extra balls/clothing/water bottles inside the fence. Our courts are pretty tightly fenced in, so anything inside the fence line is easily a tripping hazard.
  11. If you see someone who displays signs of dizziness, weakness, or lack of concentration, keep an eye on them. Recommend a time-out if you think it necessary for their sake. 
  12. Wear proper tennis (court) shoes.  Running shoes are not advised, as the raised tread can cause falls. If you see someone playing with “bad” shoes…sandals, non-court-shoes, leather soles of any kind, stop play.
  13. If you are near your partner with an overhead slam opportunity where you may hit them, stop play. Let the ball drop. Lose the point. Do NOT hit your partner. Stay conscious of where they are. 
  14. If you can go back more safely for an overhead than your partner, (if their mobility is limited), YOU cover the overheads. Likewise, let them cover for you if the situation is reversed.
  15. When going backwards for a lob, turn and run backwards, DON’T SHUFFLE BACKWARDS. The #1 most common Pickleball injury is a concussion from falling backwards.  This is a hard thing to do correctly, and needs to be practiced if you don't already instinctively do it.
  16. Don't dive for balls.
  17. If someone falls on the court, all play STOPS until their needs are addressed.
  18. Never play on a wet court. They are extremely dangerous. One way to check a damp court surface is to press your toe down firmly and make a twisting motion. If you leave an obvious "wet" spot it's too wet to play.