Sunrise Pickleball Club Bylaws

Download Current Bylaws as PDF




The name of this organization shall be the Sunrise Pickleball Club (SPC) and referred to as ‘the Club’.


Section 1:  The Sunrise Pickleball Club exists to provide a fun, healthy, recreational activity for its membership and guests while promoting the exercise, development of skills and enjoyment of Pickleball.

Section 2:  The Club is formed as a tax exempt social and recreational club under Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(7).

Section 3:  The Club will sponsor activities to enhance the Pickleball experience through social, educational and competitive events.

Section 4:  The Club will provide an authoritative body to govern and conduct club competitions.

Section 5:  Membership fees may be expended for the purchase of balls, event support, court maintenance/upgrades/construction, charitable donations, and other expenses to facilitate the Club’s Mission Statement.


Section 1:  Membership plans:

  1. Annual individual membership – See Sections 5 & 6 below.
  2. Lifetime individual membership – At the discretion of the Board of Directors (BOD), lifetime memberships may be offered during certain time periods. See Section 7 below.

Section 2:  The Club does not offer family memberships.  Members’ children under 18 may play for free with an adult present.

Section 3:  Any adult can become a member of SPC by paying for an individual membership.  Each adult member is entitled to one vote on SPC matters.  Non-transferable.

Section 4:  Each member of the SPC shall abide by the following conditions:

  1. Pay his or her membership dues, fees, and special event charges when due.
  2. Abide by all rules and best practices of the Club
  3. Conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner.

Section 5:  Annual membership in the Club is for a calendar year only.  All annual memberships expire on December 31.

Section 6:  Annual membership dues for the upcoming year will be determined by the BOD. If the BOD recommends that membership dues be increased, the increase will be voted upon by membership.

Section 7:  Lifetime membership dues, if offered by the BOD, will be determined by the BOD and voted upon by the membership.

Section 8:  Membership will be terminated by voluntary withdrawal, nonpayment of dues, violation of the provisions of these bylaws, or violation of published rules, guidelines and regulations promulgated to the SPC membership.

Section 9:  Non-members are permitted to play as a guest;  guests must pay a drop in fee each time they play during club hours.

Section 10: The BOD may suspend or revoke the membership of any member for conduct detrimental to the SPC by a majority vote of the BOD, provided a quorum is present at said meeting. Members are expected to abide by all club rules, and as such the BOD, at its discretion, may warn any member not abiding by these rules. Upon a member receiving a second warning for the same type of offense, the BOD may remove that member from the SPC. Members who are removed will lose their membership and will be refunded the pro rata portion of their pre-paid membership dues.


SPC shall be administered by a BOD consisting of 4 elected positions from among the general membership and member at large positions appointed by the elected members of the BOD.  The BOD shall be made up of at least five (5) members and not more than ten (10) members.  All members of the BOD shall serve a two (2) year term (starting calendar year 2023).  All terms expire on December 31 of the current calendar year.  All BOD members are considered officers of the club. BOD candidates must have been a club member for at least one (1) year.

An email will be sent to the membership soliciting candidates for open Board positions. Based on the membership response, the IT Director will prepare a slate of candidates to be presented to the Board by October 10th.

There will be at least one (1) candidate for each elected BOD position.  The elected BOD positions shall be President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary.  The slate of candidates will be communicated to the general membership by the fifteenth day of October.  All membership ballots should be received by the Nominating Committee no later than October 31st.  As specified in Article 9, the BOD may conduct the election via online voting.  Election results will be announced at the November annual meeting and the elected members of the SPC BOD shall assume their duties on January 1.  All member at large positions shall be appointed by the elected members of the BOD at the January annual meeting.


Section 1:  President

The President shall:

                -Be the chief executive officer of the Club

-Have general supervision and provide direction of the affairs of the Club, subject to the control of the BOD
-Preside at all meetings of the members and the BOD
-Work with designated Sunrise Recreation and Park District employee regarding court times, operations and maintenance of the courts.

Section 2:  Vice President

The Vice-President shall:

                -Perform all the duties of the President in the absence or disability of the President.

Section 3:  Secretary

The Secretary shall:

                -Prepare and keep minutes of all meetings of the BOD and members
                -Enforce Robert’s Rules of Order
                -Minutes will be posted on the Club website for all general membership
                -Maintain a set of the operative, updated Bylaws
                -Update Bylaws if a revision is approved. (Article 13)
                -Archive club Bylaws to the club’s Google Drive
                -Archive all meeting minutes to the club’s Google Drive.

Section 4:  Treasurer

The Treasurer shall:

-Maintain accurate records of all financial affairs of the Club for a period of seven (7) years prior to the current year
-Render a summary financial report at the BOD and membership meetings and provide summary financial report to President upon request
-Issue a monthly written report of account(s) balance(s) which includes changes from the last month’s report
-Establish/manage a checking account and any other required bank accounts. Ensure Club has a minimum of two club officers’ signatories on file with the bank and updates the signatories as officer’s change
-File all applicable State and/or Federal financial documentation in a timely manner as required by law
-Archive all financial records to the club’s Google Drive.

Section 5:  Member at Large positions appointed by the elected BOD as needed



The members of the BOD shall be responsible for significant functions of the Club.  These functions shall include but not be limited to:

  • Maintain membership rolls and provide for the collection of dues
  • Establish procedures for the conduct of the election of members of the BOD and Officers set forth in Article 4
  • Consider the comments and viewpoints of members before voting on matters being considered by the BOD
  • Maintain liaison with Sunrise Recreation and Park District
  • Provide publicity and outreach activities to attract new members
  • Maintain rules of play as established by the USA Pickleball Association (USAPA)
  • Organize periodic social activities for the membership
  • Ensure adherence to any published requirements of the Sunrise Recreation and Park District
  • Establish committees as needed for the operation of the Club (i.e. Tournament committee, Fund Raising, etc.)
  • Fill vacancies on committees as appropriate
  • Appoint members to serve in capacities that the BOD believes will be beneficial to the operations of the Club
  • Provide communication with the membership on items of interest
  • Develop and promulgate Rules of Conduct and other appropriate Regulations for members
  • Take action as needed to enforce the Rules of Conduct and Regulations of the Club in accordance with due process and hearing.

Section 1:  Non-Liability of Officers

  • The Officers shall not be personally liable for the debts, liabilities, or other obligations of the corporation.

Section 2:  Indemnification by Corporation of Officers and other agents

  • To the extent that a person, who is, or was, an officer, or other agent of this corporation has been successful on the merits in defense of any civil, criminal, administrative or investigative proceeding brought to procure a judgment against such person by reason of the fact that he or she is, or was, an agent of the corporation, or has been successful in defense of any claim, issue or matter, therein such person shall be indemnified against expenses actually and reasonably incurred by the person in connection with such proceeding.
  • If such person either settles any such claim or sustains a judgment against him or her, then indemnification against expenses, judgments, fines, settlements and other amounts reasonably incurred in connection with such proceedings shall be provided by this corporation but only to the extent allowed by, and in accordance with the requirements of, Section 5238 of the California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation Law.

Section 3: Board Member Removal

  • Upon fourteen (14) days written notice to the Board as a whole, any director may be removed, with or without cause, by a two-thirds vote of the Board. In the event that a Board member cannot be present to vote for the applicable procedure to be used, s/he shall nonetheless still be entitled to vote on any such removal effort. Any vacancy occurring because of the death, resignation or removal of a director may be filled by the Board for the remaining term of such director by a majority vote of those present


Section 1:  Procedure - Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised will be the final authority as to parliamentary procedures at all meetings of the members, insofar as they do not conflict with any provisions of the Bylaws.

Section 2:  Quorum - A quorum shall consist of at least three officers and 10% of the club membership at any general meeting of the Club.  For general meetings, officers are considered members and shall be included in the 10% requirement.

Section 3:  The date of at least two general member meetings of the Club will be established by the officers at the beginning of each calendar year.  Members in good standing are eligible to vote on issues brought before the membership.

Section 4:  At minium, BOD meetings will be held Quarterly.  The exact date, time, and place for all meetings to be determined by the president.  Board meetings are open to members upon request. Members can submit their questions in writing, online, beforehand so that the Board may review the issue.

Section 5:  The President may call meetings of the officers at any time.  A majority of the officers will constitute a quorum.  Meetings of the officers may be open to the membership at the discretion of the President.  Club members who are not officers can participate in discussions but cannot make motions or vote.

Section 6:  Special meetings may be called by the President; by majority of the officers; or by written request signed by 10% or more of Club members indicating the purpose of the special meeting.  Special meetings should be specific to issues.

Section 7:  An annual meeting shall be held in the month of November every year, for the purpose of electing officers.

Section 8:  An annual meeting shall be held in the month of January each year, for the purpose of needs assessment and general planning for the upcoming season’s activities and events.


Annual and lifetime dues for the upcoming year shall be determined by the BOD prior to the annual membership meeting.  Any change in the dues requires a membership vote defined in Article 9.  Annual dues for incumbent members shall be collected beginning January 1 of each year for the entire year, and dues will be in arrears thirty (30) days after that date.  Members in arrears shall be dropped from the club membership.  Dues will not be refunded for any reason.

Section 1:  Annual or lifetime dues shall be required to be eligible for full participation as a member of this Club, including play in Club Tournaments.  The membership may agree to other assessments to cover maintenance and equipment replacement needs.

Section 2:  If someone wishes to join the club or renew after August 1st, they will be required to pay a reduced amount determined by the BOD prior to the annual membership meeting.  The reduced amount does not apply to a Lifetime membership.


Section 1:  A quorum shall be fifty (50) percent of the board members at any duly called BOD meeting. A quorum shall be ten (10) percent of the total membership in good standing at any duly called general or special membership meeting.  A quorum shall be required to either pass or to defeat any item called for a vote.  A voted-on item shall be passed or defeated by a simple majority of those voting.

Section 2:  At the discretion of the BOD, items requiring a vote by the membership may be conducted by an online vote.  The club’s Information Technology Director will determine the best method for conducting the online voting.  For online voting, at least ten (10) percent of the total membership in good standing must cast a vote.  A voted-on item shall be passed or defeated by a simple majority of those voting online.


The approved method of providing Meeting Notices and other information to Club members or to the BOD members shall be by e-mail to their last known e-mail address or by phone if a member makes a written request to the Membership Director for notice by phone.  All such notices shall be posted on the SPC website.

It is the member’s responsibility to notify the Membership Director of any changes to their contact information.


The BOD shall implement the following policies to protect the privacy of the members.

  • Lists of members with information about the members (e.g. addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, etc. If provided by the member) is the property of the SPC
  • Emails to members shall be sent using the BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) feature
  • Only members designated by the BOD shall have the authority to send emails to the general membership
  • Membership addresses and/or email addresses will be used to relay Pickleball Club-related events and will not be used by any person for commercial or political purposes, or to promote any personal causes not related to the business of the SPC.

On occasion, the SPC may request the distribution of an email pertaining to overall Club business and the BOD may exercise their discretion to forward the email.


If the club disbands, all club assets will be disposed of as follows:

  • All physical assets belonging to the club such as balls, paddles, nets, ball machines etc. shall be made available to the club membership for purchase. All proceeds from this sale shall be deposited into the club’s treasury
  • All Rusch Park pickleball court improvements paid for by the club such as shade screens, benches etc. shall remain at the courts and become property of the Sunrise Recreation and Park District
  • All monies in the club’s treasury shall be donated to the Sunrise Recreation and Park District.


Revisions to these Bylaws shall be voted upon and approved by the BOD. Any such revisions must be presented to and approved by an online vote of the members.  The Secretary shall have the responsibility to update the Bylaws if a revision is approved.  The President shall have the responsibility to submit the revised Bylaws to the SPC membership.  Revisions to the Bylaws shall not be effective until the revisions are approved by the SPC membership.

Adopted by the membership this date of March 10, 2022.